The Partners Stem Cell Centre
The Partners Stem Cell Centre Overview
The Partners Stem Cell Centre was the first Centre to successfully perform a Cardiac and Peripheral Vascular Stem Cell Implantations in The Bahamas on October 11th, 2012. Cancer, neurodegeneration and heart disease are all major causes of death and have an enormous impact on quality of life. The Partners Stem Cell Centre aim is the Regeneration & Rejuvenation of oneself Via Stem Cell Research & Registries.
Shown above with our Medical Touristic Patient from Florida is Dr. Brown’s Team of Dr. Zurina Salas, Non-Invasive Cardiologist at BHC, Cardiac Nurse Mathew Sebastian and Head Cardiac Nurse Celeste King-Dorsette, Cardiac Technician and Perfusionist Antoine Roberts of The Bahamas Interventional Cardiology Centre at Doctors Hospital, BHC's Interventional Cardiologist Dr. Bimal Francis, Principal Investigator and world-renown Interventional Cardiologist Dr. James Margolis and our own Local Co-Investigator, Invasive Cardiologist and Leader of The Team, Dr. Conville Brown.
Bahamian Medical History was made once again by Dr. Conville Brown and his Team at The Bahamas Heart Centre in conjunction with Advanced Innovative Medicine, Inc. of Orlando, Florida, when they successfully performed the First Cardiac Stem Cell Treatment in the Bahamas one week ago. Medical Tourism for The Bahamas also got a major shot in the arm as The first patient, an American Medical Tourist traveled to here to the Bahamas specifically for this therapy which was made available via our National Ethics Committee-Approved Clinical Trial.
Many teams had to be coordinated for this historic procedure which promises to bring new options and hope for many afflicted with a vast array of illnesses, including severe heart disease and heart failure, especially where transplantation might have been their last resort. Advanced Innovative Medicine uniquely produces Angiogenic Cell Precursors (blood vessel forming cells) from a blood draw and one week later after processing the patient’s own stem cells, administers these cells back to the patient as we did. Dr. Conville Brown and his teams from The Bahamas Heart Centre and The Bahamas Interventional Cardiology Centre at Doctors Hospital, Advanced Innovative Medicine and The Partners Clinical Research Centre are all very proud to be a part of this historic milestone in the advancement of Cardiac Care and Progress in Medicine in our sunny and beautiful Bahamas.
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Open visitation with only two visitors in a room at any given time. No one under 12 years of age may visit without permission .
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Open visitation with only two visitors in a room at any given time. No one under 12 years of age may visit without permission .
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+1 (242) 502-9600
+1 (242) 356-6666
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